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TED Hair Restoration vs. PRP Hair Restoration

Hair loss is a delicate issue for many people, and there are now multiple treatments available to help restore your hair. Two of the most popular treatments are PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) and Alma TED Ultrasound Hair Restoration. Both treatments have their own unique advantages, but those who are looking to choose between them should understand how they differ. 

PRP is an autologous treatment, which means that the patient's own blood cells are used as the source material. During a PRP session, a sample of blood is collected from the patient and put through a centrifuge to separate out the plasma component with high concentrations of platelets. This platelet rich plasma contains healing factors such as growth factors, stem cells, and cytokines. It is then injected into the scalp to stimulate hair growth and reduce hair loss. 

In contrast, Alma TED Ultrasound Hair Restoration is non-invasive and uses ultrasound energy to target an area of the scalp that has suffered from thinning or balding. The energy penetrates beneath the scalp's surface to disrupt dormant follicles and boost blood circulation within the areas of treatment. This stimulates new follicle development and can help create thicker, more voluminous hair for a longer period than PRP treatments are able to offer. Alma has also partnered with a hair restoration company in Milan to create a serum called “liquid gold,” which has a hair anchoring peptide along with amino acids and nourishment for the hair follicle.

PRP works best on people with recent hair loss who have not experienced complete baldness yet and still have a few remaining follicles. For those with more severe cases of baldness, TED may be more effective. The ultrasound technology can reach deeper into the scalp and stimulate dormant follicles, which is something that PRP treatments are not able to do.

Another key difference between PRP and TED is the duration of results. Alma TED Ultrasound Hair Restoration provides longer lasting results than PRP. While it typically takes several sessions of PRP treatments to achieve desired results, one session of Alma TED Ultrasound may be enough for most patients to see a noticeable improvement in their hair health. 

Ultimately, both treatments have their own advantages and disadvantages and should be discussed with a medical professional before deciding on a course of action. If you're looking for an effective way to restore your hair or reduce hair loss, consider talking to a specialist about the different options available. With PRP and Alma TED Ultrasound Hair Restoration, you have two excellent choices that can help provide you with thicker, healthier hair. 

No matter what treatment path you choose, it is important to understand the differences between PRP and Alma TED Ultrasound Hair Restoration so you know which one is right for your needs. These treatments can both be effective solutions when it comes to restoring hair or reducing hair loss, but understanding how they differ is key to getting the best results possible.

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